28 مهر What is bracket? Brackets are small metal squares attached to the front and side teeth. They act like handles that allow us to rotate our teeth to m... Continue reading
28 مهر What is Oring? Orings are rubber rings that attach to brackets. The main function of the O-ring is to connect the orthodontic wire to the brackets. ... Continue reading
28 مهر Types of orthodontic tools orthodontic Orthodontic treatments may focus solely on correcting the position of the teeth or changing the pattern and direction o... Continue reading
30 مرداد Space Regainer A fixed or movable device that can move a permanently displaced tooth to its proper position in the tooth arch. Space Regainer is si... Continue reading
30 مرداد Space maintainer Dental Space maintainer are devices used to leave enough space for permanent teeth to grow after premature tooth loss. If your child lo... Continue reading
25 خرداد What is Lingual Retainer and what its use After the orthodontic treatment is over, it is time to use the Lingual Retainer . At the time of the tooth retainer, teeth that once ex... Continue reading